Shifting The Way Realtors Get Face-To-Face
With New Potential Sellers.
Trusted By Some Of The Top Real Estate Agents Across The United States & Canada.
How Telly Met 5 Home Seller Leads In-Home
After Only 1 Month
"I Believe In This System So Strongly."
How a Broker With More Than 20 Years Of Experience Is Turning Weekly Listing Appointments Into Actual Listings
"These leads are warm."
"The proof is in the pudding."
Letter From The Founder
What I realized is that getting "leads" is not the problem...For many agents, building a system to get real listings out of these "leads" is the problem.
I was pissed hearing people that "did not request anything". Something had to change.
I spent a lot of time brainstorming solutions.
That was necessary to be able to get to the finish line. To put that sign in front of the home.
That's why we created this whole thing in the first place.
You can't afford to spend hours calling maybes, you need to focus on the yeses.
I'm proud of our work, I love what I do: we work hard every day, late into the night (literally...), to make sure our agents actually get the results they want.
Get Leads That Want To Talk.
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